
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Draemora Awakening - Out June 26, 2020 Ultra Nast Records 26 June 2020

1. This EP is a look inside the life of a human struggling to keep their life from falling apart.  The stories are pulled right out of messages from social media and conversations between friends trying to help each other. The song "HOME" was inspired by a close friend of the band that has has a very public struggle with depression and addiction and their ever changing views and views on their life and where they belong in it.

2. Terry (guitar, vocals) is a local engineer/producer in Washington and aside from playing some guitars and singing on the album also engineered the album at Uberbeatz Studio in Mukilteo, Washington, and brought everything back to his home studio to mix. The album was mastered by Erman Hamidovek.

3. The album art was all hand drawn by Sarah Estrella, a local artist in Arlington, Washington.

4. The whole EP was recorded, mixed, and mastered in a little over a month.  The band was in a hurry to release the material to start supporting with a live act but just a week before it was finished Covid-19 put everyone in Washington state in a quarantine and shut down every music venue in the state.  They are eager to get out and support the album.

Quick info on the band:
Relatively new to the Seattle metal scene, Draemora is comprised of seasoned musicians who, despite COVID-19 slowing their debut, are ready to show the nation and the world their EP “Awakening” on June 26, 2020, via Ultra Nast Records.

The EP, lyrically, is about battling with drugs and alcohol, and the long journey out of that hell. Heavy, prodigious and heartfelt, vocalist/guitarist Terry Jenkins notes his personal attachments to the lyrics he writes:

“The lyrics come right out of the pages of my life, the things I went through, and how I got through them. Music is a huge outlet for me to dump the good times, bad times, and everything else in between. The majority of the lyrics are a culmination of direct excerpts from letters, poems, and life experiences from the period between May 2018 and August 2019. It was a very intense time in my life.”

The single “Home” is the most technical song on the EP; energetic and powerful, it’s the first song on the album and sets the mood for the duration of the record. The lyrical content is dark and moody, the music is ferocious and impactful. Jenkins goes into detail:

“A lot of us reach for substances, to put off having to deal with things and unfortunately some never get out of that brutal cycle and erase themselves from the earth, I have known a few souls that didn’t make it. I wanted the song to convey the message that in a world that is so dark and brutal sometimes there is always hope for those who want to find it, and you don’t have to destroy yourself to figure that out.”

Recommended for fans of Strapping Young Lad, Whitechapel, and Nevermore.

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