
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Interview with "nether" by Varg The Mighty.

1.    nether is a Belgian Black Metal band that have just released their critically acclaimed debut album, and today we have an interview with them about this very album, “Between Shades And Shadows”. How are you doing?
Thanks for the interest in nether and thanks for the kind words in your review. We are fine and working hard to promote our debut album, “Between Shades and Shadows” that was released through Art Gates Records on the 30th of October. Until now we received lot’s of good reactions and also the online launch through Black Metal promotion did give a boost for that.

2.    Great to hear. What inspired the band’s name?
The bandname, nether, reflects the whole idea behind the band, the lyrical concept, the albumcover and the music. The tree is the main theme. It stands for a person that is strong and solid, lives on firm grounds and has his own roots. Within every person there’s a core, the inner circle, to come in contact with any person you have to find connection with that core. You have to open gates and that’s the reason that in the “h” of the nether logo you can find an entry portal, to go down to the core, the roots, the “nether”. Some people are lost within themselves and are not even capable to find this portal.

3.    Which are the main influences of the band?
nether is a collection of four individuals each within their own soil and drinking from their own roots. This means that musical influences are connected to each one of us. The main influence comes from Scandinavian  black metalbands like Marduk, Dark Funeral, Dawn, Naglfar. But also hints of death metal (Belphegor) or albeit subtle, Greek melodic black metal pioneers Rotting Christ, can be found. The music nether brings is build on the soil of black metal we listened and still listen, to for many decades.

4.    What made the band play this particular style?
As previously mentioned, a style is not chosen, it comes from within your own core and comes out through the open portal and by interacting with others, the other bandmembers.

5.    Do you hope to play live soon?
Indeed we hope to play live soon but due to the Covid pandemic I think we do not have live gatherings before summer 2021. In the meanwhile we have to work hard on the successor of “Between Shades And Shadows”. Also we have to find way’s to keep the fans hungry for more by creating some extra’s. More info about this soon, keep an eye on our mediachannels.

6.    In which country or city would you love to play live and why?
Ah, if there ‘s an opportunity to play live, we take everything into consideration. For me personal I would like to play live up in the cold North of Europa, Sweden, Norway, Finland… but in fact it does not really matter. When the crowd in front of the stage likes what you do, we can play in every small town, on every stage. So for concert organisers, get in touch.

7.    How was the writing process like for this album?
Before the start of nether in 2019, P and I already had a framework for several songs that are on our debut album but it was only with the help, work and inspiration of K and B, the songs were finalised in the form you hear them now. Due to the fact all four of us are dedicated musicians with lots of inspiration and knowing what our core tells us, the creation of the album wasn’t that hard.

8.    What are your lyrics mostly based on and what inspired the album’s title?

As the main lyricwriter I already gave some insights behind the bandname, and the cover of the album. The lyrical theme is linked to this concept. This concept is based on every day live, living in a society of lost individuals. Individuals that are not capable of staying true to their personal roots and soil. People that can not find their own core and as such are influenced in a bad way by others.

9.    What does the album cover represent?
The tree is the main theme and as for this reason is put in centrepiece. With this, as an eye cather, you can see the link between the tree and the logo. In the “h” of the logo you can find the portal I was talking about earlier. The individual on the cover is wandering, is searching for his soil, is in search for his roots and looks, in certain way, rather lost. Like lots of people are in society…

10.    Are there any future plans besides this debut at the moment?

Yes, we have some plan’s in a more visual way… but it’s to early to give you more details concerning this. As mentioned, keep an eye on the bands mediachannels.

11.    Thanks for the interview, is there anything else you would like to add?

Thanks you finding the time to realise this interview, it’s highly appreciated. See you somewhere in the near future and until then stay safe!

Interview with "nether" by Varg The Mighty.



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